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2.16 New functions in BS2000/OSD V6.0B with
Correction Package 2/2006
2.16.1 Autonomous, dynamic control of I/O resources (IORM)
*4 The new utility program IORM facilitates autonomous, dynamic
*4 control of the I/O resources, devices, controllers, channels
*4 (type S and type FC) and paths. Both S and SX servers are
*4 supported in native and in VM2000 operation.
*4 The following functions are implemented:
*4 - IOPT: I/O priority control for tasks with competing access
*4 to one device (I/O Priority Handling for Tasks)
*4 - DPAV: Dynamic I/O load distribution for S server disks
*4 on the FC channel (Dynamic Parallel Access Volume)
*4 - DDAL Optimized load distribution in CentricStor operation
*4 (Dynamic Device Allocation)
*4 - IOLVM: Limiting of I/O throughput for single VM2000 guest
*4 systems (I/O-Limit for Virtual Machines)
*4 - TCOM: Adapting the compression for LTO devices
*4 (Tape Compression)
*4 The IOPT, DPAV and IOLVM functions control disks, the DDAL and
*4 the TCOM functions control tape devices.
*4 IORM links itself into the BS2000 I/O system and collects I/O
*4 data to determine the I/O resources utilization. IORM also
*4 periodically checks whether intervention in the I/O operation
*4 is required.
*4 The values set for intervention such as thresholds, selection of
*4 devices to be monitored or I/O priorities can be passed to IORM
*4 in the form of a parameter file or in dialog.
*4 IORM has a HELP function that outputs all permitted statements
*4 together with their syntax.
*4 You will find a detailed description in the SYSRME.IORM.060.E
*4 file or in the utilities manual.
*4 I/O-Priority control for tasks (IOPT)
*4 I/O-intensive but relatively unimportant applications can
*4 obstruct other, more important applications if the I/Os are on
*4 the same device or on devices on the same controller, path,
*4 port or channel.
*4 Three I/O priorities, low, medium and high, were therefore
*4 introduced for IORM.
*4 If the IOPT function is activated in IORM (IOPT_SET_ON=YES
*4 statement), IORM applies brakes to the tasks with low and medium
*4 priorities by assigning time penalties if these tasks hinder
*4 tasks with higher priorities.
*4 IORM does not affect tasks with I/O priority high.
*4 I/Os via FDDRL, ARCHIVE, VOLIN or PAGING are also not braked.