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2.14.2 Self-configuring NK-ISAM Pools in Data Spaces
*2 To further relieve the system address area, NK-ISAM files are
*2 buffered in Data Spaces. At the same time, buffer areas are
*2 created strictly for individual files and no longer for file
*2 groups, thus reducing the number of lock conflicts over access
*2 to the buffer areas. The buffer areas are generated automatically
*2 by the system; the user does not need access to programs or
*2 JCL in order to make use of the function. Previously an optimal
*2 configuration of the ISAM pools was possible only through user-
*2 defined ISAM pools, and required JCL access.
2.14.3 Performance improvements in BS2000/OSD V6.0B
*2 RSC for emulated disks
*2 On SX servers, IOs are run on emulated disks via RSC (Remote
*2 System Call). This allows the IO CPU to be relieved and inputs
*2 and outputs to be parallelized, resulting in a significant
*2 increase in capacity.
*2 Acceleration of the command COPY-FILE
*2 The doubling of the IO size from 32 kbyte to 64 kbyte reduces
*2 CPU usage and significantly shortens running time.
*2 Own SRPM Server task for Data Pubsets
*2 Previously both the Home Pubset and Data Pubsets were
*2 administered by an SRPM server task (RP01).
*2 From this version onwards, a new SRPM server task (RP02) is
*2 generated for the administration of Data Pubsets and the Home
*2 Pubset is administered exclusively by the RP01 task. Wait states
*2 caused by Data Pubsets therefore no longer affect access to
*2 the Home Pubset.
2.14.4 New sub-system STATUS
*2 In the course of command expansions, the commands SHOW-JOB-
*2 format) have been merged in the new sub-system STATUS. The
*2 requirements for new software products or future BS2000
*2 versions can therefore be implemented faster and more easily.