
Translating Contents of the Clipboard [Clipboard Translation]
Edit the contents if necessary.
When you edit the original text:
Click the [Start Translation] button ( ) to re-translate.
When you edit the translated text:
Click the [Copy Content of Translated text Box] button ( ) to copy the translation
Paste the translated text into the original file.
Automatically Translating the Contents of the Clipboard
You can automatically translate data copied to the clipboard simultaneously when it
is copied. For details, refer to "7.4 Automatically Translating Text on the Clipboard
[Automatic Clipboard Translation]" in "Basics", on page 117.
Select the translation environment
You can select the translation environment used with Clipboard Translation.For
details, refer to "1.4 Setting the Translation Environment [Translation Environment]"
in "Basics", on page 47.
Change the translation direction
For Clipboard Translation, the translation direction is recognized automatically by
default. When both English and Japanese are used in the original text, however,
the direction can be specified before translation.
In this case, you can change the translation direction by clicking the ( ) button.
The button changes to ( ) to translate from English into Japanese or to ( ) to
translate from Japanese into English. The translation direction remains changed
until quitting Clipboard Translation.
Translating using Translation Memory
Clipboard Translation makes it easy to translate into the target language of your
choice using Translation Memory. For details, refer to " Searching Stored
Translation Memory Data in Clipboard Translation" in "Basics", on page 181.
[Original Text] box [Translated Text] box
Click here after editing the contents in
the [Translated text] box.