Verb-Adjective (JE)
● [Negative Form]
According to the Japanese in the [Japanese (Verb)] entry box, the negative form for the
Japanese is automatically displayed. When there are several possible negative forms, select
one of them from the list box.
● [Sometimes Translated as Noun]
Set whether a verb can be used as a noun. If so, check the [Yes] checkbox, enter the
corresponding English noun in the [English (Noun)] entry box and select the plural form from
[Noun Plural Form]. For an irregular noun, enter the plural form in [Irregular noun].
The word entered here is called a "derived word."
Adjective-Adjective (JE)
● [Sometimes Translated as Adverb]
Set whether an adjective can be used as an adverb. If so, check the [Yes] checkbox and enter
the corresponding English adverb in the [English Adverb] entry box.
The word entered here is called a "derived word."
Adjective-Verb (JE)
● [Form]
The form of the verb in the [English (Verb)] box is displayed in each entry box for [Past], [Past
Participle], [Present Participle] and [Present (after "He")]. If the displayed form is
inappropriate, click each entry box and enter the appropriate form.
● [Sometimes Translated as Adverb]
Set whether an adjective can be used as an adverb. If so, check the [Yes] checkbox and enter
the corresponding English adverb in the [English Adverb] entry box.
The word entered here is called a "derived word."