March 2004 Manual 599082
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9.23 Front Trim Replacement
9.23.1 First remove both the left and right hand yokes as per instructions in
9.14. This is to prevent damaging the locating tab at the front of
each yoke which fits into the trim.
9.23.2 The trim has to be removed by breaking the retaining clips.
9.23.3 This can be done by slipping a blade screwdriver between the trim
and the chassis and twisting the blade to snap the clips. Protect the
cabinet from chipping and remove the broken clips so they don’t fall
in to the tub and damage the rotor.
9.23.4 Check that a light prism is fitted in to the trim.
9.23.5 Remove the drawer front and handle as per instructions in 9.1 and
9.3 so the replacement trim can be fitted over the tub.
9.23.6 Line up the clips on the replacement trim with
the holes in the chassis and push home.
9.24 Water Softener
9.24.1 Remove the Drawer Front as per instruction 9.1
9.24.2 Disconnect the Wiring Loom connections to the Water Softener Diverter valve, Brine pump and Salt Level
Detector and remove the Dispenser Wiring Loom connection to the Electronic Controller.
9.24.3 Use a flat bedded screwdriver to open the Salt Level Indicator LED cover and remove the LED from the
Water Softener.
9.24.4 Unclip the Fill Hose and the Dispenser Hose form the Water Softener.
9.24.5 Remove the 4 T10 torx drive screws securing the Water Softener to the Tub
9.24.6 The Water Softener can now be removed from the Product
9.24.7 To refit, place the Overflow O’ring on the Water Softener and lubricate the Tub overflow with a water soluble
lubricant e.g Glycerol or similar.
9.24.8 Place the Salt Tank O’ring in the tub. Lubricate the Salt Tank flange on the Water Softener.
9.24.9 Pass the Dispenser Wiring Loom through the Water Softener and plug it into the Electronic Controller.
9.24.10 Place the Water Softener in the Tub and apply enough pressure to seat the O’rings.
The Overflow should sit almost flush with the inside of the Tub.
The Salt Tank should be recessed by approx. 1mm from the inside of the Tub.
9.24.11 Refit in the reverse manner.