
March 2004 Manual 599082
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The faults are displayed in the LCD as one of 5 F (fatal) faults or 1 U (user) fault along with the symbol of a spanner.
A fatal fault will usually require the assistance of a qualified service person, while a U1 user fault indicates the
machine had failed to prime within a certain length of time usually because the tap has not been turned on. For this
reason at the same time a U1 comes up in the display we also show the symbol of a tap. In the Integrated models,
an LCD is not available, and the presence of a fault is indicated by a Red center LED, with the fault number
indicated on the touch switch panel with Red LED’s.
Once a fault is repaired it can be cleared by pressing the Power button. If the fault is still present then it will not
A fatal or user fault is accompanied by a continuous pulsating beep which can be turned off by pressing either the
power, start/pause, or key lock button.
The last two faults are logged into EE memory.
The other U (user) faults have been removed. The old U2 fault, which was the tub forced open during a cycle, has
been removed completely. Instead if the tub is forced open the product simply pauses as if someone had pressed
the start/pause button. The old U3 fault, which indicated a failure to drain i.e. water left in the tub, will not show up a
fault and the DishDrawer will continue through the cycle.