LX-80 printer can print such complicated combinations as double-
strike emphasized expanded underlined italic subscript, although
we’re not sure that you would ever want to use such a combination.
The point is, however, that the LX-80 has the ability to produce
almost any combination you can think of; it’s up to you to decide
which ones you want to use.
To see a few combinations, remove line 90 from the master prog-
ram. (In MBASIC simply type 90 and press RETURN to delete the
line.) Now run the program once and enter “E” and “emphasized” in
response to the questions on the screen. This will give you the same
results as the first time you ran the program, but it will leave the
printer in emphasized mode so that you can add another mode. Then
run the program again (without turning off the printer). The second
time enter “W1” and “emphasized expanded.”
Your printout should be in the typestyle below, showing that the
two modes combine with no trouble. You can experiment with other
combinations if you wish or you can wait for the section later in this
chapter that explains a special ESCape code, Master Select, which
allows you to combine as many as seven features with one ESCape
When you are through trying combinations, be sure to replace line
90 in the master program so that you can again try one feature at a
Italic Mode
You may occasionally want to print italic words for emphasis,
titles, or other uses. The LX-80 has italic mode to enable you to use
italic characters for any purpose. Although characters produced by
the previous modes in this manual are modifications of the standard
pica characters, the LX-80 uses completely different characters for the
italic mode. In the printer’s Read Only Memory (ROM) is a complete
set of draft italic characters. You can see the difference between stan-
dard and italic draft characters in Figure 6-4.