
The standard line spacing is the only one you need for almost all
printing of text, but in some cases you may want to increase or
decrease the space between lines. The LQ has several commands to do
this, one of which specifies the line spacing in 180ths of an inch. If you
need to make such fine adjustments in the line spacing, see Appendix I
for the proper commands. In Chapter 6 you’ll see how useful changes
in line spacing can be for dot graphics.
Half-speed Mode
When quiet is more important than speed, you can use ESCape “s”
to cut the printing speed in half. ESCape “s1” turns the half-speed
mode on, and ESCape “s0” turns it off. Note that you use a lowercase
s, not a capital S for this code.
Printing to the End of the Page
In order to protect the print head and platen, the LQ stops printing
three lines from the end of the paper. This means that when you are
printing on single sheets, you cannot use the last three lines of the
page, but that is usually reserved for the bottom margin anyway.