
Appendix I
Command Summary
This appendix lists the default settings of the LQ. It also contains all
of the control codes and ESCape sequences used by the LQ. They are
first listed in numerical order and then by function. Each listing in the
numerical section gives the page in the function section where full
information on the command is given. For many of the commands
you can also consult the index to find out where they are discussed in
the text.
Default Settings
When your LQ comes from the factory, it is set to the following
defaults. Defaults are the settings in effect each time the printer is
turned on. A dot (•) means that you can change the default for this
setting by changing a DIP switch.
Pica width
Margins set at maximums: left margin at 0 and right margin at 80 on
the LQ-800 and 136 on the LQ-1000
l/6 of an inch line spacing
Page length of 11 inches
Horizontal tabs set at every eight characters
USA character set
Top-of-page is set at the position of the print head.