html.bk Rev. F
SETNW.FM A5 size
Proof Sign-off:
KOW N.Mizuno H.Tomizawa
NOC K. Lee
In NetWare Administrator, double-click the NDPS Manager
object and click the Printer Agent List button. Check that the
status of the Printer Agent you have just created is “Idle”.
If you have selected Remote (rprinter on IPX), configure the network
interface using EpsonNet Config, as described in the next section,
and then print a status sheet.
Go to the next section if you select Remote (rpinter on IPX).
Go to “Setting the printer on client workstations” if you select
Remote (LPR on IP) or Forward jobs to Queue.
Configuring for NetWare using EpsonNet Config
Follow the steps below if you want to use the printer in IPX
Be sure that the one of the following clients is installed on your computer:
Novell Client 32, Novell IntranetWare Client, or Novell Client.
1. Turn on the device.
2. From any NetWare client, log in to the target NetWare server
as an ADMIN.
3. Run EpsonNet Config from the Start menu. See “Accessing
the EpsonNet Config Reference Guide” for details.
If the IP address of the printer is already assigned, you can
use EpsonNet Config with Web Browser too. See “NetWare”
for details.