
Paper roll Miscellaneous commands GS g 2
Ver. 10.01 p. 476
There are two types of maintenance counters: resettable counters and accumulation counters. A resettable
counter is a maintenance counter that can be initialized by GS g 0, and an accumulation counter
indicates the counter value from when the printer starts operation.
When a counter reaches its maximum value, its value is reset to 0 in the next updating process. Units and
maximum values of counters differ, depending on the printer model and function. See the model-
dependent variations for details.
Unsupported counter numbers cannot be specified.
This command transmits [Header ~ NUL], as shown below:
When the counter values are transmitted, the printer converts them to character codes corresponding to
the decimal value and transmits from the most significant bit.
Example: When the counter value is 120, the “120” (expressed hexadecimally as 31H, 32H, 30H. Decimally
as 49, 50, and 48) is converted to 3 bytes of data.
The resettable maintenance counter can be initialized by GS g 0.
The maintenance counters built in the printer are standard; therefore, their values will be different,
depending on the timing of occurring errors or turning off the power.
The maintenance counter can be used for establishing the time for replacing consumed parts or cleaning.
178~187 Accumulation Devices that conform to the normal specification
188~197 Accumulation Option devices
198~207 Accumulation Time
Transmitted data Hex Decimal Amount of data
Header 5FH 95 1 byte
Counter value 30H ~ 39H 48 ~ 57 1 ~ 10 byte
NUL 00H 0 1 byte
× 256) Type Maintenance counter