Rev. B Application Development Information 4-5
TM-L90/TM-L90 with Peeler Technical Reference Guide EPSON OPOS ADK (OPOS Control) Overview
OPOS Control included with EPSON OPOS ADK has the following features.
❏ Supplies CO for each device class and SO for EPSON devices.
❏ Direct IO with parameters available.
• Gets the maintenance counter value of the printer.
• NVRAM-registered electronic logo (bit image) printing, etc. (For the electronic logo,
refer to “Electronic Logo Registration Utility for NVRAM” on page 4-7)
❏ Power-on notification function (at power-on, this function automatically restores the printer
to the state prior to the power-off)
❏ Offline buffer clear processing (clears the print buffer contents in the offline mode)
❏ Debugging function (trace function)
• Gets a log between the application and CO (target: Used API and its return value)
• Device status getting log (gets the offline and error factors that actually occurred in the
and so on. EPSON OPOS ADK Contents
The installer of EPSON OPOS ADK Ver. 2.10 or later has the silent installation function, which
can install the OPOS environment without a user interface, to facilitate installation. With the
installer, the following OPOS-compliant OPOS Control for EPSON devices, manuals, various
utilities and sample programs can be installed.
❏ OPOS Control for EPSON devices
Header files for CO, SO, C++, header file for VB, TLB file of CO, device information file, etc. can
be installed.
❏ Manuals
• User's Guide (Environment construction manual: Installation/uninstallation, various
utility using methods)
• Application Development Guide (Manual for OPOS-compliant application developer:
Common manual, Each device manual)