2-36 Setup Rev. B
When [Msw 8-2] is OFF, the paper layout is automatically measured and saved into the non-volatile memory of the
printer after recovery from the error.
If [Msw8-2] is ON, the printer paper layout is not changed after error recovery. If the correct paper is not inserted, the
paper layout error will occur again.
The [Msw 8-4] setting influences initialization at power-on when “label paper” or “receipt paper with black mark” is
specified for the paper layout. Refer to “Setting Paper Layout” on page 2-45 for the paper layout.
When [Msw 8-6] is set to "Feeding paper to the print starting position at power on is disabled", the printer does not
execute the operation of feeding paper to the print starting position at power on (the printer executes the
operation when its cover is opened and closed). Hence, the user should note the following points since the printer
operates on the assumption that the paper has already been fed to the print starting position at power on.
a)Turn off the power supply after feeding of paper to the print starting position.
b)Do not open the cover while power is off.
c)If you have opened the cover with power off, turn power on, then open and close the cover once before
starting printing, and perform the operation of feeding paper to the print starting position.
If the print starting position has not been set at power-on, the printing position of the first sheet may shift, or a paper
layout error may occur.
*: Factory setting
Bit Function Value
0 (OFF) 1 (ON)
1 Reserved Recovery by pressing FEED No recovery by pressing
2 Paper layout error recovery means Send the error recovery
command or open/close the
cover. *
Send the error recovery
3 PAPER OUT LED behavior at paper near-end
On * Off
4 Select maximum length for automatic
measurement of paper
160 mm 300 mm
5 Insert left and right margins to barcode Not inserted * Inserted
6 Feeding paper to the print starting position
at power on
Enabled * Disabled
7 Reserved Fixed to OFF --
8 Printer cover open during operation Automatically recoverable
Recoverable error *
(Recovered by error
recovery command)
Customized values
Item Value
Selection of user NV memory
1 KB * 64 KB
128 KB 192 KB
Selection of NV graphics memory
None 64 KB
128 KB 192 KB
256 KB 320 KB
384 KB *
Selection of paper width 38 mm, 39 mm, ..... 70 mm, 80 mm *
(43 kinds in 1 mm increments (71 to 79 mm are unavailable as
the roll paper spacer does not support them))