The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 72
num-iocbs Controller
256 128 10240 No This variable indicates the
number of Input/Output
Control Block (IOCB) buffers
to allocate. IOCBs are internal
data structures used to send
and receive I/O requests to
and from the LightPulse hard-
ware. Too few IOCBs can
temporarily prevent the driver
from communicating with the
HBA, thus lowering per-
formance. (This condition is
not fatal.) If you run heavy IP
traffic, increase num-iocbs for
better performance.
post-ip-buf Controller
128 64 1024 No This variable specifies the
number of 4K STREAMS
buffers to allocate and post to
the FC IP ring. Increase this
setting for better IP
performance under heavy
scan-down Controller
1 0=Off 1=On Yes There are two scanning
algorithms used to discover a
node in a private loop. If scan-
down is 1, devices on the
private loop are scanned
starting from ALPA 0x01
through ALPA 0xEF. If scan-
down is 0, devices on the
private loop are scanned
starting from ALPA 0xEF
through ALPA 0x01. Scan-
down values 0 and 1 do not
apply if a loop map is
obtained. See the FC-AL
profile for the definition of a
loop map.
tgt-queue-depth Global 0 0 10240 No The driver uses this value as
the default limit for the number
of simultaneous commands to
issue to a single target on the
loop. A value of 0 causes no
target throttling to occur. A
single target will never be sent
more commands than allowed
by tgt-queue-depth; however,
less may be sent when sd-
max-throttle is reached for the
entire target.
Table 3: LPFC.conf Parameters (Continued)
Property Name Scope Default Min Max Dynamic Comments