. The ambient temperature is too high.
. To much food is loaded at one time.
. The door is not properly closed or the magnetic sealing
strip is defective.
f the refrigerator still does not work properly, call a service
he sealed cooling system must not be opened, since it
s under high pressure.
he refrigerator is guaranteed for one full year on condition
hat it is used in a correct manner and in accordance with
hese operating and installation instructions.
t is also embraced by a European guarantee as described
n the brochure supplied with the refrigerator.
ervice and spare parts are obtainable from your dealer or
lectrolux – consult the telephone directory.
oncerning gas- and electric installations, only authorized
xperts are allowed to carry out maintenance and repair
orks. Besides, it is recommendable to contact an authori-
ed service if it comes to repair works.
ccording to the valid regulations G607 of DVGW, the gas
nstallation as well as the connect flue oulets are to be
hecked every two years by an expert (this has to be
rranged by the person responsible).
ake sure that:
● Defrosting is carried out periodically.
● The refrigerator is clean and dry with the door left open
when it is not to be used for some time.
● Liquids or items with a strong odour are well packaged.
● The ventilation openings are unobstructed.
● The door is secured by means of the travel catch when
the caravan is on the move.
he door hinges can be moved to the opposite side in the
ollowing way:
● Unscrew the upper hinge pin, taking care not to lose the
set of washers and bushes.
● Lift the door from the lower hinge pin.
● Unscrew the pin and mount it on the opposite side hinge.
● Unscrew the travel catch and mount it on the opposite
● Fit the door on the pin and reassemble the pin with
washers and bushes in its new place.
● Check that the door closes properly and seals all round.
he refrigerator is intended for installation in a caravan or
otorhome, and the description relates to this application.
he refrigerator must not be exposed to radiated heat from
ot objects (e.g. below a cooker without proper heat shiel-
xcessive heat irradiation impairs performance and leads to
ncreased energy consumption. For this reason the refrige-
ator should be installed if possible not at the entrance side
f the vehicle – normally orientated south and often with an
wning which would impair the dispersion of heat and com-
ustion gases from the ventilation openings.
t is not a good practice to install the refrigerator so that the
ent openings are covered by the vehicle's entrance door
hen this is open. This would reduce the ventilation air flow
o the cooling unit and reduce refrigeration performance.
he enclosure
he refrigerator must be installed in an enclosure, the
imensions of which are shown in TECHNICAL DATA.
he bottom of the enclosure must be horizontal and even
o that the refrigerator can be easily pushed into place. It
ust be sturdy enough to carry the weight of the `fridge.
attens should be installed at the enclosure and fitted with
ealing strips, as shown in fig. 5. (Other suggestions for a
ealed installation are shown in a folder which can be
btained from Electrolux).
lide in the refrigerator until it is flush with the front of the
ecess. There must be 10-20 mm free space behind the
our fasteners are fitted in plastic bushings in the side walls
f the fridge, fig. 8. They are used for securing the refrigera-
or in the enclosure.
he side walls of the enclosure and/or any wooden braces
nstalled to hold the refrigerator must be dimensioned to
eat the screws securely, also considering the forces due to
he movement of the vehicle.
ith the refrigerator in place, drive the screws through the
ushings in the lining of the refrigerator into the walls of the
nclosure. There must not be more than 3 mm of clearance
etween refrigerator and enclosure on each side. If neces-
ary, wooden strips or similar should be fitted.
ote: This is the only approved means of securing the
efrigerator to the enclosure and to the vehicle. Fasteners
enetrating other parts of the insulation (PU) foam of the
efrigerator might damage components like electric wiring
t high ambient temperatures the refrigeration unit will only
erform adequately when properly ventilated.
he refrigeration unit is ventilated via two openings in the
all of the caravan (see fig. 6). Fresh air enters through the
ower opening and warm air is discharged through the upper
ocate the lower opening immediately above the floor of the
ecess, and the upper one as high as possible above the
ondenser (C) of the refrigeration unit, at least as shown in
ig. 7b but preferably as shown in fig. 7a.