his refrigerator is equipped with an Automatic Energy
elector (AES) which controls its operation and energy
he system selects the available energy source in the order
30/240 V – 12 V – LP gas. No manual operation is neces-
ary for selecting the energy source.
he control panel is shown in fig. 3.
he refrigerator is set into operation by pushing button (A)
main switch). The AES LED (C) lights green showing: AES
ystem working. Push- button (B) is used for setting the
lectronic thermostat. The thermostat LEDs (D) show the
hoosen temperature position. When there is a demand for
efrigeration, AES will connect the most favourable of the
vailable energy sources.
ote: 12 V must always be available to supply the electro-
ll references are to fig. 3.
P Gas operation
hen the system chooses LP Gas operation, the flame
ailure device is automatically opened, allowing the gas to
low to the burner. At the same time, the electronic igniter is
fter initial installation, servicing, or changing gas cylinders
tc., the gas pipes may contain some air which should be
llowed to escape by briefly turning on the refrigerator or
ther appliances. This will ensure that the flame lights
f the flame goes out (by gust of wind etc), the igniter is
mmediately activated and reignites the gas.
ote: the control electronics and the igniter must have a
C (battery) supply to operate.
as trouble-shooting
f the AES LED (C) is flashing red, the system was not able
o start or continue gas operation. Set the switch (A) to 0
nd check that there is enough gas in the gas bottle, that its
alve is open and that any valves in the gas line to the
efrigerator are open.
hen push button (A) to "ON" again. After 10 sec. AES will
epeat the ignition sequence. When the AES LED (C) again
tarts flashing red after 30 sec, the trouble persists (air in
he line, no gas?). Switch (A) briefly off and then on again. It
ight be necessary to repeat this operation 3-4 times if the
ubing contains air (after changing gas bottles, repairs etc).
f this does not help, you should consult a service tech-
30 V Operation
hen a mains connection is available, AES will select this.
lease note, that even being in AC mode, 12 V DC is nec-
essary for the internal supply of the electronics.
2 V operation
ES will select the 12 V mode of operation only when the
ehicle engine is running (detected by the alternator con-
ection of the fridge).
hen switching from one energy source to another, there
re some delays implemented in the AES system.
he 15 min. delay between switching off the engine and
tarting gas mode is intended to to delay the starting of gas
ode e.g. when stopping at a filling station.
ndervoltage operation
he AES system is designed to guarantee the maximum
ooling efficiency under any circumstances. Therefore, the
ystem monitores continously the voltage level while being
n either 12 V DC or 230 V AC mode. If the voltage is too
ow, the system switches to Gas mode shown by the yellow
ED (E in fig.3). The system stays in Gas mode, until the
lectrial supply voltage has recovered to the normal level.
lease check that the ventilation grilles or the flue outlet are
ot blocked by snow, leaves etc.
LECTROLUX ventilation grilles A 1620 (fig. 2), can be
itted with winter covers, model WA 120, to protect the
ooling unit against cold air. The covers may be fitted when
he outside temperature is below approx. 10°C and should
e fitted when the temperature is below the freezing point.
e suggest that you fit the winter covers also in the case
hat the vehicle is laid up during the winter months.
he position number refers to fig. 3.
t will take a few hours for the refrigerator to reach normal
perating temperature. So we suggest you start it well in
dvance of a trip and if possible store it with precooled
he temperature of the refrigerator main compartment is set
Nevertheless it is not allowed to have a naked
flame at a gas filling station. If you are not sure, that
your stop is shorter than 15 min., you are advised to
switch off the main switch (A), fig. 3, when stopping
at a filling station.
AES will select LP gas operation under the following
● No AC (230 V) available
● Engine not running (no high current at 12 VDC available)
● AC available but too low
● Engine running but DC supply too low
(condition three and four are briefly described in item
Undervoltage operation)