Odors Inside Refrigerator
Cooked food such as rice, beans and others, fatty food such as
ham, salami or dairy products and acid food such as vinegar, onion,
garlic, may built unpleasant odors and affect other items. We
recommend placing them inside the appropriate drawer, well packed
or in closed containers.
Do not store expired food inside refrigerator.
External Surface Condensation
External condensation should not occur in refrigerators, freezers
and combined destined to household use, according to ISO8561
international standard.
However, when installed in damp places with humidity above 75%
and room temperature above 32ºC, condensation may occur.
Door Seal
After closing the Refrigerator door, an internal vacuum will prevent
its reopening. This is the result of a perfect sealing. There fore do
not force door. Wait for a couple of minutes to reopen it.
Normal Operation Noises
A "sizzling" noise may be heard when appliance is operating, but
this is normal, especially when the door is open. It is caused by
the expansion of the cooling fluid and does not represent a fault.
The compressor (motor) may generate a noise. It is a characteris-
tic of modern compressors that work at higher speeds then older
Due to temperature variation, the contraction of the internal com-
ponents may cause a small "clicking" noise. This does not repre-
sent a fault.
Lateral Walls Heating
This Refrigerator has a heating system in its lateral walls to prevents
condensation and improves its performance. During very humid
days, however, condensation may occur. Dry it with a soft / dry
Back of Refrigerator Heating
It is normal for this area to have high temperature as through it
flows the coolant in high temperature. Avoid touching this part or
your Refrigerator.
Retirar la Base del Embalaje
Incline cuidadosamente el Refrigerador hacia una de las laterales.
Con la ayuda de otra persona rompa la base con las manos.
Incline el Refrigerador para el otro lado y retire el restante de la
Retire la cuña ubicado en su parte posterior antes de
conectarlo. La cuña no debe permanecer en el Refrigerador.
Elegir el Lugar
Instale el Refrigerador en lugar ventilado, lejos de la incidencia
directa de rayos solares y distante de fuentes de calor tales
como hornos, hornallas o productos inflamables y de lugares
donde se utiliza agua con frecuencia, tales como piletas de
No instale el Refrigerador al aire libre.
Se recomienda que el Refrigerador sea ubicado a las siguientes
distancias mínimas de la pared o similar:
-Parte superior: 15 cm
-Lateral: 10 cm
-Parte posterior: 15 cm
Verifique si el espacio de la parte frontal del Refrigerador permite
que la puerta se abra completamente.