Tips and Hints
Avoid any type of oil or grease to come into contact with your
Refrigerator's plastic components as it may cause damages.
Never lubricate your refrigerator hinges as it may damage plastic
parts in contact with them.
Never freeze liquid in sealed glass, metallic or plastic containers,
unless recommended by manufacturer on product's label.
How to Save Energy
Keep Refrigerator door open only as long as necessary.
If door is not well closed it will increase energy consumption and
ice formation may occur.
Regulate temperature according to information on this manual.
Do not place hot food inside of it.
In case of short absences (holidays, for example), keep refrigerator
on. (In case of power outage food stored inside freezer and/or
refrigerator may defrost).
In case of prolonged absences (Vacation, for example), if you
unplug your refrigerator, remove all food and clean it. Leave door
ajar to avoid mold and unpleasant odors. It does not affect
refrigerators when reconnecting it.
In case of prolonged power outages, avoid opening refrigerator
doors until the power is restored. It will preserve food for a longer
period of time.
Do not place clothes, rags or objects on the condenser
(refrigerators rear part) because it damages its operation and
promotes compressor wear and tear (motor) and increases energy
Tips for Freezing Food
Food should be fresh and clean before freezing.
Store food in small portions according to your family size to be
used after defrosting. Do not refreeze food after defrosting.
Dont freezered hot foods inside the freezer, wait to down the
temperature to store them.
Small packages freeze faster and more homogeneously.
Cajón para Legumbres, Verduras y Frutas (11)
Para mantener la humedad y la frescura de los vegetables y
evitar que las hojas se quemem o resequen, el aire frío no tiene
contacto directo com ellos.
Este cajón está quipado con rueditas para que deslice mejor y
su abertura permita el acesso fácil a los alimentos.
Puertas (19)
Este Refrigerador no permite reversión de las puertas.
Anaquel Portabotellas (9)
Este anaquel fue concebido para acondicionar 4 botellas de
hasta 2,5 litros en posición horizontal en el interior del refrigerador.
Sistema de Flujo de Aire (Top Flow)
Su función es distribuir el aire frío para la congelación de los
alimentos en el compartimiento freezer. Jamás ubique alimentos
ni objetos de modo que puedan obstruir la salida del aire. Eso
podría comprometer el desempeño del freezer.
Su función es distribuir el aire refrigerado para enfriar los
alimentos en el compartimiento refrigerador. Jamás ubique
alimentos ni objetos de moto que puedan obstruir la saida del
aire. Isso podría comprometer el desempeño del refrigerador.