Hard Chilling
Remember that the air temperature inside the cavity will be approx. minus 20 °C
• vegetables grown below the ground
• soups
• stocks and sauces
• stews and casseroles
• whole joints of meat and poultry – don’t put in joints larger than approx.
4-5 kg as it is difficult for the cold air to penetrate into centre unless it is
long strip like loin etc.
When chilling liquid based products, use the 2
” (65 mm) deep s/steel pans
and fill to
for ease of handling when hot.
For optimum results use the 2” (40 mm) deep pans. Allow a space between
each pan of approx. 1-1
” (25/30 mm) for chilled air circulation.
Some foods, e.g. stews, curry etc. are chilled faster if during the chilling cycle
they are gently stirred to blend in the cold food around edge of pan.
Using the core temperature probe. Try to use the core temperature probe
as this will monitor the internal temperature of the food being chilled.
When the hot food has been placed inside the air-o-chill
, insert the probe
before starting the cycle.
The air-o-chill
will know when the probe is being used due to the difference
in temperature between the probe and internal-cavity-temperature sensor.
When the probe is being used the display will show the internal temperature
of the food and when it has chilled to approx. 3 °C the chilling cycle will end.
After the cycle has ended the air-o-chill
will automatically start a defrost cycle,
then go to “holding temperature” of 3 °C.
After the defrosting cycle has ended the air-o-chill
will operate as a normal
chiller at 3 °C, e.g. if you load it with cooked product at end of day, the
appliance will hold the food at 3 °C until operator removes it next morning.
When finished with air-o-chill
always clean cavity with a soft cloth and mild
soapy water, rinse clean and sterilize using a wet cloth and white vinegar or an
approved anti-bacterial cleaner.
Leave door ajar (slightly open) using either the plug or a clean, unused piece
of sponge foam as a spacer. Remember to empty and wash drip pan under
Hard Chilling - This cycle is used for more solid or firm foods e.g.
83electrolux user guide