
Combi Oven
Has reached for the future with a precise control of both humidity
and air circulation within the cooking chamber
Even while cooking with Convection (Dry) forced air you can select a humidity
level for optimum results.
With a new airflow system and a larger oven cavity uneven cooking is a thing
of the past.
The following is a brief explanation of the various cooking modes available and
how to best use them for optimum results.
Humidity and Cooking
Having the option now to be able to select a “humidity” level while using
either the Combi or Convection cooking modes enables (with practice)
the Chef/operator to fine tune the cooking procedure to optimise results.
You must realise that food is a delicate product and ALL food consists
mostly of moisture, for example meats are at least 88% water,
vegetables even higher.
With the two different cooking modes you have two different humidity factors
to take into consideration, firstly with Convection cooking you are able
to select (by pressing the Convection mode button twice) a humidity level
you don’t wish to exceed. This humidity you will find present in the oven
chamber once the food starts heating up and cooking is coming ONLY
from the food itself.
This is very noticeable when cooking, for example, a full load of beef rissoles,
as with the amount of moisture coming out from the product you can get in
excess of 90% humidity, this then makes “browning” very difficult.
With the Electrolux patented Humidity control system you can select as
an example 30% humidity and when the ACTUAL humidity level approaches
30% the oven will automatically discharge humidity into the airspace above
the oven.
When cooking with the Combi cycle the humidity level is normally set
at 50%, this humidity is coming from the steam generator and introduced
to the cooking chamber via a vent pipe.
Now you have the possibility to also select a desired humidity level which will
be controlled by the oven through the patented Humidity control system
using a “lambda” sensor so when cooking for example ribs (mostly bone with
little meat) you need a higher humidity level than if you were cooking a large
roast beef. The reason is you must help the ribs retain as much moisture as
possible to get a nice juicy meat.
23electrolux user guide