Tires on the front and rear axles of vehicles operate at
different loads and perform different steering, driving,
and braking functions. For these reasons, they wear at
unequal rates, and develop irregular wear patterns.
These effects can be reduced by timely rotation of tires.
The benefits of rotation are especially worthwhile with
aggressive tread designs such as those on On/Off Road
type tires. Rotation will increase tread life, help to main-
tain mud, snow, and wet traction levels, and contribute to
a smooth, quiet ride.
Refer to the “Maintenance Schedule” in Section 8 of this
manual for the proper maintenance intervals. More fre-
quent rotation is permissible if desired. The reasons for
any rapid or unusual wear should be corrected prior to
rotation being performed.
NOTE: On Canadian vehicles only, if your vehicle is
equipped with All-Season type tires on the front and
On/Off Road type tires mounted on the rear, do not use
a front to back rotation pattern. Instead, rotate your tires
side to side at the recommended intervals.