
When adjusting inflation pressure to a tire and wheel
assembly mounted on a vehicle, use Remote Mount
Automatic Inflation Kit (similar to model number #27-
cc1021234, available from TEAM PSE (PENTASTAR Ser-
vice Equipment-Phone number 1-800-734-4334).
NOTE: Never attempt to re-inflate a tire and wheel
assembly which has been run flat or is extremely under-
inflated without first removing the tire from the wheel
assembly for inspection.
Personnel trained, supervised, and equipped according
to Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administra-
tion (OSHA) should perform this work.
Inflation Pressure Adjustment When Not Mounted to
When adjusting inflation pressure to a tire and wheel
assembly not mounted on a vehicle, use a Remote Mount
Automatic Inflation Kit and a Tire Inflation Cage similar
to model number #174-2240 available from TEAM PSE
(PENTASTAR Service Equipment 1-800-223-5623).
Tire Pressures for High Speed Operation
The manufacturer advocates driving at safe speeds
within posted speed limits. Where speed limits or condi-
tions are such that the vehicle can be driven at high
speeds, maintaining correct tire inflation pressure is very
important. Increased tire pressure and reduced vehicle
loading may be required for high-speed vehicle opera-
tion. Refer to original equipment or an authorized tire
dealer for recommended safe operating speeds, loading
and cold tire inflation pressures.