1. Wear eye protection and remove any metal jewelry
such as watchbands or bracelets that might make an
inadvertent electrical contact.
2. When boosting from a battery in another vehicle, park
that vehicle within booster cable reach, but without
allowing the vehicles to touch. Set parking brake, place
automatic transaxle in PARK, and turn ignition to LOCK
for both vehicles.
Do not permit vehicles to touch each other as this
could establish a ground connection and personal
injury could result.
3. Turn off the heater, radio, and all unnecessary electri-
cal loads.
4. Remove the protective cover over the remote jump-
start positive battery post (+) in the engine compartment.
Connect one end of the jumper cable to the positive
battery post. Connect the other end of the same cable to
the positive terminal of the booster battery. Refer to the
following illustration for jump-starting connections.
5. Connect the other cable, first to the negative terminal
of the booster battery and then to the engine ground (-)
of the vehicle with the discharged battery. Make sure
you have a good contact on the engine ground. Refer to
the following illustration for jump-starting connections.