GCWR (Gross Com-
bined Wt. Rating)
Frontal Area Max. GTW (Gross Trailer Wt.)
Max. Tongue
3.5L (with
Trailer Tow
Prep Package
8,300 lbs (3,765 kg) 40 sq ft (3.7 sq m)
3,500 lbs (1,588 kg) which in-
cludes 1 to 2 persons & Luggage
350 lbs (159 kg)
8,300 lbs (3,765 kg) 40 sq ft (3.7 sq m)
3,000 lbs (1,361 kg) which in-
cludes 3 to 4 persons & Luggage
300 lbs (136 kg)
8,300 lbs (3,765 kg) 40 sq ft (3.7 sq m)
2,500 lbs (1,134 kg) which in-
cludes 5 to 6 persons & Luggage
250 lbs (113 kg)
*Except for
AWD models.
8,300 lbs (3,765 kg) 40 sq ft (3.7 sq m)
2,500 lbs (1,134 kg) which in-
cludes 7 persons & Luggage
100 lbs (113 kg)
*Except for
AWD models.
NOTE: The trailer tongue weight must be considered as part of the combined weight of occupants and cargo,
and should never exceed the weight referenced on the Tire and Loading Information placard. Refer to the Tire–
Safety Information Section in this manual.
NOTE: * For All Wheel Drive (AWD) models carrying 5 to 7 persons and luggage will exceed the rear Gross Axle
Weight Rating (GAWR) and therefore should not be attempted.