If you are storing your vehicle for more than 21 days, we
recommend that you take the following steps to mini-
mize the drain on your vehicle’s battery:
Disconnect the Ignition-Off Draw fuse (I.O.D.) fuse
located in the Integrated Power Module, located in the
engine compartment. The I.O.D. cavity includes a
snap-in retainer that allows the fuse to be discon-
nected, without removing it from the fuse block.
The electronic shift transfer case should be placed in
the 4HI mode and kept in this position to minimize the
battery drain.
As an alternative to the above steps you may, discon-
nect the negative cables from both batteries.
Anytime you store your vehicle, or keep it out of
service (i.e. vacation) for two weeks or more, run the
air conditioning system at idle for about five minutes
in the fresh air and high blower setting. This will
insure adequate system lubrication to minimize the
possibility of compressor damage when the system is
started again.
NOTE: When reinstalling the IOD fuse push firmly until
fully seated, the gages in the Instrument Cluster will do
a full sweep, when the ignition key is cycled to RUN. This
is a normal condition.
NOTE: When the vehicle is shipped from the factory,
the IOD fuse is in the up, or extracted position. If the
radio, interior lamps, keyless entry, or other features do
not work with the key off, check the position of the fuse
(or check to see if the fuse is blown) to ensure that it is
fully seated. When the IOD fuse is extracted, the instru-
ment cluster, in the odometer window, will display ЉNO