To prevent personal injury or damage to clothing, do
not allow battery fluid to contact eyes, skin or fabrics.
Do not lean over a battery when connecting jumper
cables or allow cable clamps to touch each other.
Keep open flames or sparks away from battery vent
holes. Always wear eye protection when working
with batteries.
Do not use a booster battery or any other booster
source that has a greater than 12 volt system, i.e. do
not use a 24 volt power source.
NOTE: Replacement batteries should both be of equal
size to prevent damage to the vehicles charging system.
Your vehicle is equipped with two 12–volt batteries. If it
becomes necessary to use a booster battery, with jumper
cables, to start a vehicle’s engine because its batteries are
discharged, the following procedure should be followed:
Set the parking brake and place an automatic transmis-
sion in PARK (or NEUTRAL for a manual transmission).
Turn off lights, heater and other electrical loads. Observe
charge indicator (if equipped) in both batteries. If indica-
tor (if equipped) is light or yellow on either battery,
replace that battery.