Replace the belts if they appear frayed or worn or if the
buckles do not work properly.
When replacing a blown fuse, it is important to use
only a fuse having the correct amperage rating. The
use of a fuse with a rating other than indicated may
result in a dangerous electrical system overload. If a
properly rated fuse continues to blow, it suggests a
problem in the circuit that must be corrected.
NOTE: If you are leaving your vehicle dormant for
longer than 21 days you may want to take steps to protect
your battery. You may do this by disconnecting the
battery or by disconnecting the two ignition-off draw
(I.O.D.) fuses located in the Auxiliary Power Distribution
Center (PDC) located in the engine compartment. The
I.O.D. cavities include a snap-in retainer that allows the
fuse to be disconnected, without removing it from the
fuse block. Pressing the I.O.D. fuse back into the cavity
reconnects it.