To enter the vehicle while the engine is running during a
remote start, you must first unlock the vehicle using the
UNLOCK button on the key fob. After the vehicle is
unlocked, you have 60 seconds to enter the vehicle, insert
the key in the Ignition and move it to the RUN position,
otherwise the engine will cancel remote start and auto-
matically turn off.
Remote start will also cancel if any of the following occur:
If the engine stalls or RPM exceeds 2500
Any engine warning lamps come on
The hood is opened
The hazard switch is pressed
The transmission is moved out of park
Pressing the brake pedal.
The vehicle can be started remotely up to a maximum of
two times. The vehicle is also allowed a maximum of one
failed start, where the remote start sequence was initiated
but the engine stopped cranking without starting. After
either of these conditions, or if the Vehicle Theft Alarm is
alarming, or if the PANIC button was pressed, the vehicle
must be reset by inserting a valid key into the ignition
and moving it to the RUN position, then back to LOCK.
Manual Door Locks
All the doors can be “manually” locked from the inside
by pushing down the door lock plunger, located at the
rear of the door. Both front doors may be opened from the
inside with the door lock plunger in the down or locked