located on the top of the engine valve cover. For addi-
tional information, see your local authorized dealer.
Catalyst Full See Owner Manual
“Catalyst Full See Owner Manual” will be displayed on
the overhead console of your vehicle if the exhaust
particulate filter reaches 80% of its maximum storage
capacity. Under conditions of exclusive short duration
and low speed driving cycles, your Cummins engine
and exhaust aftertreatment system may never reach the
conditions required to remove the trapped PM. If this
occurs, “Catalyst Full See Owner Manual” will be dis-
played on the overhead console in your vehicle. If this
message is displayed you will hear one chime to assist in
alerting you of this condition.
Catalyst Stat::::::::::80%
Catalyst Stat::::::::::80% will replace the message “Catalyst
Full See Owner Manual” after it is displayed for one
minute. The engine Powertrain Control Module (PCM)
will continue to monitor the amount of particulate matter
trapped in the particulate filter. This message indicates
the percentage of the particulate filter capacity that has
been used.
By simply driving your vehicle at highway speeds for as
little as 45 minutes you can remedy the condition in the
particulate filter system and allow your Cummins en-
gine and exhaust aftertreatment system to remove the
trapped PM and restore the system to normal operating
Catalyst Stat:::::::::::80%, 90%, 99%
Catalyst Stat:::::::::::80%, 90%, 99% If you are unable to
drive your vehicle under these conditions for an ex-
tended period of time after the initial warning notifica-
tion, the Engine PCM will continue to monitor the
particulate filter and will display the progression of
particulate filter usage (80, 90, 99%) on the EVIC message