Fill the oil filter element with clean oil before instal-
lation. Use the same type oil that will be used in the
engine. When filling the oil filter, prevent foreign
material from falling into the filter. Severe engine
damage may occur.
Apply a light film of lubricating oil to the sealing surface
of the filter gasket before installing the filter.
Overtightening may distort the threads or damage
the filter element seal.
Install the filter as specified by the filter manufacturer.
Turn the filter 3/4 to one full turn after making contact
with the gasket.
Check the condition of the threads and sealing surface on
the oil pan and drain plug.
Install the drain plug and sealing washer and tighten to
37 ft-lbs. (50 N·m).
Use only high-quality multi-grade lubricating oil in your
Cummins Diesel Engine. Choose the correct oil for your
operating conditions as outlined in the Selection of
Engine Oil.
Cummins Turbo Diesel
Fill the engine with the correct grade of new oil. The
engine capacity is 11 quarts (10.4 liters) in the crankcase
and 1 quart (.95 liter) in the lubricating oil filter.