Use only brake fluid that has been in a tightly closed
container to avoid contamination from foreign matter.
Hydraulic Clutch
The fluid in the clutch master cylinder should be checked
when performing other under hood services. To check
the fluid level, remove the reservoir cap. If necessary, add
fluid to the reservoir. Use only the manufacturer’s rec-
ommended brake fluid. Refer to the Recommended Flu-
ids, Lubricants and Genuine Parts section for the correct
fluid type. Mopar brake fluid or equivalent is fluid of this
quality and is recommended to provide best brake per-
formance. Make sure that the fluid has been stored in a
tightly closed container to avoid contamination with dirt
or moisture. Do Not Overfill. Overfilling can cause clutch
release problems as the clutch wears. A low fluid level
may indicate a leak, in which case, hydraulic clutch
linkage replacement may be required. The fluid level in
the reservoir will rise as the clutch wears - Do Not
Remove Fluid.
Do not allow petroleum base fluid to contaminate the
brake fluid — seal damage will result.
Lubricant Selection
Refer to the Recommended Fluids, Lubricants and Genu-
ine Parts section for correct fluid type.
Using a transmission fluid other than the manufac-
turer’s recommended fluid may cause deterioration
in transmission shift quality. Refer to the Recom-
mended Fluids, Lubricants and Genuine Parts sec-
tion for correct fluid type.