Recommended Shift Speeds
To use your manual transmission for fuel economy it
should be upshifted as listed below. Shift at the vehicle
speeds listed for acceleration. Earlier upshifts during
cruise conditions (relatively steady speeds) will result in
increased fuel economy, and may be used as indicated.
1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6
MPH 17 – – 27 42
(km/h) (27) – – (43) (68)
Higher upshift speeds may be used to obtain a desired
acceleration rate.
Skip Shift Light
There are times when you must shift directly from First to
Fourth gear instead of from First to Second. An amber
(LED) arrow on the instrument cluster will light up
during these times. This is to help you get the best
possible fuel economy.
The shift arrow will light up when engine coolant is
higher than 106°F (41°C), vehicle speed is greater than 12
MPH and less than 20 MPH, engine speed is less than
1322 RPM, you are in 1st gear and you are at 1/4 throttle
or less.
When the arrow is lit, the shift mechanism will only
allow shifts from First to Fourth gears. After you shift to
Fourth gear, you can press the clutch in and shift to
another forward gear.
Downshifting - Proper downshifting will improve fuel
economy and prolong engine life.