Manual Control (ATC)
You also may choose to customize your comfort by
selecting the fan speed and mode manually. Pressing the
fan speed button or any mode button places the system
into manual operation.
While in manual operation there are six fan speeds
available and the choice of any mode. The airflow
temperature is adjusted automatically to maintain the
desired comfort level. You can adjust the temperature by
pressing the + or – TEMP rocker switch.
FAN Control
Use this button to regulate the amount of air deliv-
ered through the system in any mode you select.
Press the + or – side of the button to increase or decrease
fan speed.
Air Conditioning Operation
Press this button to turn on the air conditioning
compressor. A snow flake symbol in the display
shows that the compressor is on. Compressor operation is
automatic when you press the AUTO button and no
snowflake is shown.
The compressor may operate at any temperature above
32°F (0°C).
NOTE: The compressor will not engage until the engine
has been running for several seconds. Slight changes in
engine speed or power may be noticed when the com-
pressor cycles. This is a normal occurrence since the
compressor will cycle on and off to maintain comfort and
improve fuel economy.
Recirculate Button
Press this button to recirculate the air inside the
vehicle. Outside air is prevented from entering
the vehicle. Use this mode to temporarily block
out any outside odors, smoke, dust or when
rapid cooling of the interior is required.