applies optimum pressure to the brakes. The system
applies optimum pressure to the brakes in emergency
braking conditions. This can help reduce braking dis-
tances. The BAS complements the antilock brake system
(ABS). Applying the brakes very quickly results in the
best BAS assistance. To receive the benefit of the system,
you must apply continuous braking pressure during the
stopping sequence. Do not reduce brake pedal pressure
unless braking is no longer desired.
Once the brake pedal is released, the BAS is deactivated.
BAS cannot prevent the natural laws of physics
from acting on the vehicle, nor can it increase
braking efficiency beyond that afforded by the
condition of the vehicle brakes and tires or the
traction afforded.
The BAS cannot prevent accidents, including
those resulting from excessive speed in turns,
following another vehicle too closely, or hydro-
planing. Only a safe, attentive, and skillful driver
can prevent accidents.
The capabilities of a BAS-equipped vehicle must
never be exploited in a reckless or dangerous
manner which could jeopardize the user’s safety
or the safety of others.