“N” Neutral
Shift to Neutral when vehicle is standing for prolonged
periods with engine running. Engine may be started in
this range. Set the parking brake if you must leave the
“D” Drive
Use this position for most city and highway driving.
“2” Second
Use this position for driving slowly in heavy city traffic
or on mountain roads where more precise speed control
is desirable. Use it also when climbing long grades, and
for engine braking when descending moderately steep
grades. To prevent excessive engine speed do not exceed
45 mph (72 km/h) in this range.
“1” First
Use this position for driving up very steep hills and for
engine braking at low speeds 25 mph (40 km/h ) or less
when going down hill. To prevent excessive engine speed
do not exceed 25 mph (40 km/h) in this range.
The transmission contains a fourth and fifth (if equipped)
speed (Overdrive) and will automatically shift from
Drive to Overdrive if the following conditions are
The transmission selector is in Drive.
Engine coolant has reached normal operating tem-
Vehicle speed is above approximately 30 mph (48
The “O/D OFF” button has not been activated.
Transmission has reached normal operating tempera-
Overdrive can be locked out by pressing the O/D Off
button located at the end of the transmission gear shift
lever. A light in the instrument cluster shows that the
feature has been deactivated. Pressing the button a
second time restores the Overdrive function.