Tape Player
Pressing the top of the switch once will go to the next
selection on the cassette. Pressing the bottom of the
switch once will go to the beginning of the current
selection or to the beginning of the previous selection if it
is within the first 5 seconds of the current selection.
If you press the switch up or down twice it plays the
second selection, three times, it will play the third, etc.
The button in the center of the left hand switch has no
function in this mode.
CD Player
Pressing the top of the switch once will go to the next
track on the CD. Pressing the bottom of the switch once
will go to the beginning of the current track or to the
beginning of the previous track if it is within one second
after the current track begins to play.
If you press the switch up or down twice it plays the
second track, three times, it will play the third, etc.
The button in the center of the left hand switch changes
CD’s on the 6–Disc in-dash CD changer radio (RBQ). This
button does not function for all other radios.
To keep the cassette tapes and player in good condition,
take the following precautions:
1. Do not use cassette tapes longer than C-90; otherwise,
sound quality and tape durability will be greatly dimin-
2. Keep the cassette tape in its case to protect from
slackness and dust when it is not in use.
3. Keep the cassette tape away from direct sunlight, heat
and magnetic fields such as the radio speakers.
4. Before inserting a tape, make sure that the label is
adhering flatly to the cassette.
5. A loose tape should be corrected before use. To rewind
a loose tape, insert the eraser end of a pencil into the tape
drive gear and twist the pencil in the required directions.
Maintain your cassette tape player. The head and capstan
shaft in the cassette player can pick up dirt or tape
deposits each time a cassette is played. The result of
deposits on the capstan shaft may cause the tape to wrap
around and become lodged in the tape transport. The