
DES-3226 NWay Standalone Fast Ethernet Switch User’s Guide
Before loading TCP/IP with an address acquired from the DHCP server, DHCP clients check for an IP
address conflict by sending an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) request containing the address. If a
conflict is found, TCP/IP does not start, and the user receives an error message. The conflicting address
should be removed for the list of active leases or it should be excluded until the conflict is identified
and resolved.
802.1X Port-based Network Access Control
The Switch is an implementation of the server side of IEEE 802.1X-Port Based Network Access Control.
Through this mechanism, users have to be authorized before being able to access the network. See the
following figure:
Figure 5-9. Typical 802.1X Configuration Prior to User Authentication
Once the user is authenticated, the switch unblocks the port that is connected to the user as shown in
the next figure.