
© 2006 Directed Electronics
Shut Down Diagnostics:
The system holds in memory the reason for the most recent
remote start shut down. This diagnostic report must be recalled
using the following operation:
1. Step on the foot brake and hold until Step 4 has begun
2. Turn the ignition ON and then OFF in less than 5 seconds
3. Within 5 seconds press and release the Momentary
4. After 2 seconds the LED will flash/pause and repeat 5
times to indicate the cause of the most recent remote
start shut down.
5. Count the LED flashes and consult the Shut Down
Diagnostic Chart
Shutdown Diagnostic Chart
LED Flashes Description
1 The programmed Run Time expired
2 The 'Orange' Brake Input wire was activated
3 The Tachometer Input level fell below 50% of learned value
4 The Transmitter was used shut down remote start
5 The 'Violet' Hood Input wire was activated
6 Battery voltage level fell below required level
7 The alarm was fully triggered
The Tachometer Input level was x3 times learned value for >5sec
The "Red/Wht" activation Input was used shut down remote start