
© 2006 Directed Electronics
Accessory and Starter wires
The starter and accessory wires will be located in the same harness
as the ignition and constant power.
To find the accessory wire leave the multimeter’s black lead
connected to ground. Take the red lead and probe the wire
suspected to be the accessory wire. With the key off, your multi-
meter should read 0 volts. Turn the key to the on position the
multimeter should read 12 volts. Now turn the key to the crank
position. If you have the correct accessory wire the multimeter
will read 0 volts while the starter is cranking and 12 volts once
the key returns to the on position. If the wire tests correctly, strip
some insulation off and solder the WHITE heavy gauge wire and
wrap it with electrical tape.
If your vehicle requires more than one accessory then the GREEN
ign2 wire can be programmed to function as an accessory output.