Dell Document Hub |
When the Favorite List Screen Is Displayed When You Tap the Tile
on the Dell Document Hub Screen
This means that your favorite settings for functions have been saved on the printer.
Select the desired setting from the list, or tap Skip to continue the procedure.
Returning to the Home Screen
Tap Back or press the (Home) button.
• When you return to the Home screen by tapping Back or by pressing the (Home) button,
status is maintained.
Next time you tap Dell Document Hub on the Home screen, you do not have to sign in while you
are logged in to the Home screen.
• You can tap Sign out as well to return to the Home screen, but the sign-in status is not
maintained. Next time you sign in to Dell Document Hub, you need to re-enter your e-mail
address and password.
Logging Out From the Printer
Press the (Log In/Out) button to log out from the Home screen and to display the
portal screen.
• When you log out using the (Log In/Out) button, the sign-in status to Dell Document Hub is
maintained as far as the Save E-mail & Password check box is selected in the step 4 in "Signing
In to Dell Document Hub." Next time you tap Dell Document Hub on the Home screen, you can
skip the sign in process.
Searching for and Printing Files
You can search for the files saved in the cloud services, and print them from the printer.
You can search across multiple cloud services at once. This method is suitable when you
want to search by the keywords, including the file name.
• To search for files across multiple cloud services, visit www.dell.com/dochub and connect the
cloud services with Dell Document Hub.
1 In the Dell Document Hub screen, tap Search for Files.
2 Indicates that the cloud service is not associated, or not linked correctly.
Visit www.dell.com/dochub to link it again.
Tap to display more information.
3 Indicates that the cloud service link with Dell Document Hub has expired.
Visit www.dell.com/dochub to link it again.
Tap to display more information.
4 Tap to search for files in the current folder and subfolders (if any) from the selected cloud
service. This is displayed when you select Scan or Smart OCR Scan.
5 Tap to sort the results in ascending, descending, or by cloud services order.
6 Tap to change print, scan or e-mail settings.
7 Tap to preview the selected files, up to the first three pages of each file.
8 Tap to save print, scan, e-mail settings or folder as Favorite.