Scanning |
The Server Address page appears.
4 Enter the information as follows to fill in the fields.
Name Enter a name of your choice. This appears as the name for the Server
Address in the address book.
Server Type Select FTP to send documents to an FTP server.
Select SMB to send documents to a shared folder on your computer
using Server Message Block (SMB).
Server Address Enter the name or IP address of the server or computer.
• For FTP:
Server name: abc.example.com
(abc: host name, example.com: domain name)
IP address:
• For SMB:
Computer name: abc
IP address:
Share Name Enter the name of the shared folder. See "Creating a Shared Folder
(SMB Only)." For SMB only.
• Example: Share, Sharefolder
Server Path Enter the path of the sub-folder within the shared folder. If you have
not created a sub-folder, leave this blank.
When entering the sub-folder path, make sure that the sub-folder is
already created. Do not enter the name of the shared folder.
Shared Folder name: MyShare, Second-level folder name: MyPic
Enter "MyPic".
If you have created a sub-folder within a sub-folder, separate each
sub-folder name with a backslash (SMB) or forward slash (FTP).
Shared Folder name: MyShare, Second-level folder name: MyPic,
Third-level folder name: John
• For SMB enter "MyPic\John".
• For FTP enter "MyPic/John".
Server Port Number Enter the Server Port Number. If you are unsure, you can enter the
default value of 21 for FTP or 139 for SMB.
Available ports are:
FTP: 21, 5000 - 65535
SMB: 139, 445, 5000 - 65535