222 DRAC 4 Property Database Group and Object Definitions
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where <senMask> has the following bit definitions:
• Bit-0: 1 = Send alert for informational events (such as a return to lower severity range or normal).
• Bit-1: 1 = Send alert for warning (noncritical) events.
• Bit-2: 1 = Send alert for critical events.
• Bit-3: Reserved.
where <statMask> has the following bit definitions:
• Bit-0: 1 = Send alert when system transitions to a powered-on state.
• Bit-1: 1 = Send alert when system transitions to a powered-off state.
• Bit-2: 1 = Send alert when watchdog timer detects a system hang.
• Bit-3: Reserved.
Alert Filter Properties
The alert filter property group ID is cfgUserAdmin. The object IDs are shown in Table B-5.
Table B-4. System-Generated Alert Mask Bit Definitions
Bits Data Type
28–31 System undefined reserved
24–27 System undefined reserved
20–23 System undefined reserved
16–19 System status alerts <statMask>
12–15 System miscellaneous sensor <senMask>
8–11 System fan sensors <senMask>
4–7 System voltage sensors <senMask>
0–3 System temperature sensors <senMask>
Table B-5. Alert Filter Property Group and Object IDs
GroupID Object ID Object Default Value
cfgUserAdmin cfgUserAdminPageEmailEnable FALSE
cfgUserAdmin cfgUserAdminPageEmailAddress ""
cfgUserAdmin cfgUserAdminPageEmailCustomMsg ""
cfgUserAdmin cfgUserAdminAlertFilterRacEventMask 0x777777
cfgUserAdmin cfgUserAdminAlertFilterSysEventMask 0x777777
cfgRemoteHosts cfgRhostsSmtpServerIpAddr