132 Using the serial and racadm Commands
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racadm Subcommand Descriptions
The following subsections provide descriptions of subcommands that you can run under the racadm
Ta b l e 8-5 briefly describes each
subcommand. For a detailed listing of every
subcommand including syntax and valid entries, see the "racadm Subcommand Man Pages."
Table 8-5. racadm Subcommands
Command Description
help Lists DRAC 4 subcommands.
help <subcommand> Lists usage statement for the specified subcommand.
clearasrscreen Clears the last System Reset Timer screen (last blue screen).
config/getconfig Configures the DRAC 4 and displays the DRAC 4 configuration.
coredump Displays the last DRAC 4 coredump.
coredumpdelete Deletes the coredump stored in the DRAC 4.
fwupdate Executes or displays status on DRAC 4 firmware updates.
getssninfo Displays information about active sessions.
getsysinfo Displays general DRAC 4 and system information.
getractime Displays the DRAC 4 time.
ifconfig Sets or displays the current DRAC 4 IP configuration.
getsvctag Displays service tags.
racdump Dumps DRAC 4 status and state information for debug.
racreset Resets the DRAC 4.
racresetcfg Resets the DRAC 4 to the default configuration.
serveraction Executes a graceful hard server reset, power-on, power-off, or power-cycle.
setrac Sets managed system name, operating system name, and type from the
managed system to the DRAC 4.
sslcsrgen Generates and downloads the secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate signing
request (CSR).
sslcertupload Uploads a CA certificate or server certificate to the DRAC 4.
sslcertdownload Downloads a CA certificate.
sslcertview Views a CA certificate or server certificate in the DRAC 4.
testemail (see Email Test
Forces the DRAC 4 to send an email over the DRAC 4 NIC.
testtrap (see Trap Test
Forces the DRAC 4 to send an SNMP over the DRAC 4 NIC.
vmdisconnect Forces a virtual media connection to close.