program may require an upgrade) to scan the computer and remove spyware. For more information, go to and search for the keyword
Run the Dell Diagnostics — See Dell Diagnostics. If all tests run successfully, the error condition is related to a software problem.
Memory Problems
Fill out the Diagnostics Checklist (see Diagnostics Checklist) as you complete these checks.
If you receive an insufficient memory message —
l Save and close any open files and exit any open programs you are not using to see if that resolves the problem.
l See the software documentation for minimum memory requirements. If necessary, install additional memory (see Memory).
l Reseat the memory modules to ensure that your computer is successfully communicating with the memory (see Memory).
l Run the Dell Diagnostics (see Dell Diagnostics).
If you experience other memory problems —
l Reseat the memory modules (see Memory) to ensure that your computer is successfully communicating with the memory.
l Ensure that you are following the memory installation guidelines (see Memory).
l Run the Dell Diagnostics (see Dell Diagnostics).
Network Problems
Fill out the Diagnostics Checklist as you complete these checks.
Check the network cable connector — Ensure that the network cable is firmly inserted into both the network connector on the back of the computer and the
network connector.
Check the network lights on the network connector — No light indicates that no network communication exists. Replace the network cable.
Restart the computer and log on to the network again.
Check your network settings — Contact your network administrator or the person who set up your network to verify that your network settings are correct
and that the network is functioning.
Mobile Broadband Network
Cannot connect — The Dell Mobile Broadband Card must be activated on the network in order to connect. Position the mouse over the icon in the
notification area to read the status of the connection. If the status indicates the mobile broadband card is not activated, see Activate your Mobile Broadband
card for more information. If problems persist, contact your Mobile Broadband service carrier for details on your plan.
Check your Mobile Broadband network service — Contact your Mobile Broadband service carrier to verify coverage plan and supported services.