Configuring IP Multicast 737
Admin Mode
to Enable or Disable, to turn IGMP on or off.
Apply Changes
The IGMP configuration is saved, and the device is updated.
Setting IGMP Mode Using CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the following chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide:
• IGMP Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
Routing Interface
The Routing Interface menu page contains links to web pages that configure and display IGMP routing
parameters and data. To display this page, click IPv4 Multicast
Routing Interface in the tree
view. Following are the web pages accessible from this menu page:
• IGMP Interface Configuration
• IGMP Configuration Summary
•IGMP Cache Information
•IGMP Interface
IGMP Interface Configuration
Use the IGMP Interface Configuration
page to configure and/or display router interface parameters.
You must configure at least one valid routing interface before you can access this page and configure IP
Multicast IGMP.
To display the p age, click IPv4 Multicast
Routing Interface
Interface Configuration in the
tree view.
Table 12-14. IGMP Global Commands
CLI Command Description
ip igmp Sets the administrative mode of IGMP in the system to active.
show ip igmp Displays system-wide IGMP information.