564 Configuring Routing
Global Route Changes
— Displays the number of route changes made to the IP Route Database by
RIP. This does not include the refresh of a route's age.
Global Queries
— Displays the number of responses sent to RIP queries from other systems.
Default Information Originate
— Enable or Disable Default Route Advertise.
Default Metric
— Sets a default for the metric of redistributed routes.This field displays the default
metric if one has already been set, or blank if not configured earlier. Valid values are 1 to 15.
Configuring RIP
Open the
RIP Configuration
Enter data in the fields as needed.
Apply Changes
when finished.
RIP is configured, and the device is updated.
Configuring RIP Using CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the following chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide:
• Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
Table 9-25. RIP Global Configuration Commands
CLI Command Description
auto-summary Enables the RIP auto-summarization mode.
default-information originate Controls the advertisement of default routes.
default-metric Sets a default for the metric of distributed routes.
distance rip Sets the route preference value of RIP in the router.
enable Resets the default administrative mode of RIP in the router (active).
hostroutesaccept Enables the RIP hostroutesaccept mode.
router rip Enters Router RIP mode.
show ip rip Displays information relevant to the RIP router.
split-horizon Sets the RIP split horizon mode.