180 Using the CLI
- file name format: 8-bit (extended-ASCII)
- root dir start sector: 121
- # of sectors per root: 15
- max # of entries in root: 240
FAT handler information:
- allocation group size: 2 clusters
- free space on volume: 10,852,352 bytes
Timebase: 66.666666 MHz, MEM: 266.666664 MHz, PCI:
66.666666 MHz, CPU: 533.333328 MHz
PCI unit 0: Dev 0xb314, Rev 0x01, Chip BCM56314_A0,
Driver BCM56314_A0
SOC unit 0 attached to PCI device BCM56314_A0
Adding BCM transport pointers
Configuring CPUTRANS TX
Configuring CPUTRANS RX
Instantiating /download as rawFs, device = 0x20001
Formatting /download for DOSFS
Instantiating /download as rawFs, device = 0x20001
Formatting.../download: file system is marked clean,
skipping check