System Management Commands 1293
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC mode
User Guidelines
When nonstop forwarding is enabled on a stack, the stack's management unit
checkpoints operational data to the backup unit. If the backup unit takes over
as the management unit, the control plane on the new management unit uses
the checkpointed data when initializing its state. Checkpoint statistics track
the amount of data checkpointed from the management unit to the backup
console#show checkpoint statistics
Messages Checkpointed.....................6708
Bytes Checkpointed........................894305
Time Since Counters Cleared...............3d 01:05:09
Checkpoint Message Rate...................0.025
Last 10-second Message Rate...............0 msg/sec
Highest 10-second Message Rate............8 msg/sec
show cut-through mode
Use the show cut-through mode command to show the cut-through mode on
the switch.
show cut-through mode
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC