Using NNM SE 3-5
The Discovery Monitor is a background process that runs on a system management
station along with the OpenView background process (netmon, ovcapsd, and so on).
It listens to events from the OpenView background processes relating to the discov-
ery of managed nodes. For a given discovered managed node, the Discovery Monitor
queries the OpenView database and the managed node for additional information in
order to determine if the node is actually a Dell system. Dell systems can be managed
to a greater extent by Dell-specific management activities.
The Status Manager is an application that is integrated with the NNM SE map display
system. It has three primary responsibilities:
Displays Dell systems (Dell managed nodes) with special Dell icons on the NNM
Places Dell managed node applications on the expanded-node submaps of Dell
managed nodes.
Maintains updated status indicators of Dell managed nodes. Status is actually a
result of the compound status rules derived from the children of a Dell managed
node that reside on the expanded-node submap (child submap) of that node.
The Status Manager also integrates additional features into the OpenView menu bar.
There is a Dell menu option in the OpenView menu bar under the Tools menu. At the
Dell menu, you will find the following options:
Rediscover — Runs the discovery process against a selected node to determine
if it is a Dell managed node. If the node is discovered to be a Dell system, the
appropriate Dell icon is shown. Otherwise, a generic OpenView icon is shown.
Dell Inspector — Launches the Dell Inspector against a DMI 2.0-compliant node.
Dell OpenManage Remote Assistant — Launches the Dell OpenManage Remote
Assistant console application.
Trap Forwarder — Launches the Trap Forwarder application, which lets you con-
figure traps to forward to another management station. This feature appears only
on a management station.
Dell Web Site — Launches the default Internet browser and connects to the
Dell Web site,
LDSM Console — Launches the Intel LANDesk Server Manager (LDSM)
Console if it is installed on the management station. This console can be
used to manage Dell PowerEdge systems equipped with an Intel server
monitor module (SMM) card.