Installation and Upgrade Procedures 2-11
4. Select Microsoft Peer Web Services or Microsoft Internet Information
Service from the list.
5. Insert the Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server CD into your
CD-ROM drive.
A window appears prompting you for the location drive and directory.
6. Enter the correct drive and directory.
For example: e:\i386.
7. C l i c k OK to install the service.
The system places a folder for Microsoft IIS in the Start —> Programs menu.
8. Restart your system.
The WWW service starts. The WWW service can be seen on the ISM in the
Microsoft IIS folder.
NOTE: If you do not see the WWW service listed in the ISM, the installation was
not successful. Install the service again.
NOTES: The system chosen as the management station must be a Dell server.
If you are installing LDSM 2.52 with Dell HIP 2.2 on a Dell PowerEdge 6100 server,
refer to “Installing LDSM Console With the HP OpenView NNM SE Management Sta-
tion” found later in this chapter.
If you are upgrading a management station, refer to “Upgrading a Management Sta-
tion” found later in this chapter.
To install the management station, use the following procedure:
1. At the Dell OpenManage Software Installation window, click the Install Dell
NNM SE option.
The Software License Agreement window appears.
2. Read the software license agreement.
To accept the license agreement, click Ye s. The Choose Destination Location
screen appears.